Monday, May 24, 2010


In about 7 hours I'll be on a flight to Hong Kong. I really don't want to leave this time around..or at least not yet. I'm usually pretty excited to fly but I'm just kinda dreading it now. Maybe it's because I feel like this is the beginning of me leaving forever. First HK ..then Barcelona. I am so tired of people leaving forever and now I'm doing it too ugh.

I really need to start feeling more positive and happy about my travels haha. I'm just sad all the time when i should be happy to be able to even go anywhere. On another note, I'm sooo happy for my friends who are getting jobs..especially architecture buds (HAYEON! OLIVIA! WOOHOO!). It's assuring to know the future for us doesn't completely suck. Hopefully that will be me in a year.

I hope everyone has a fantassstic summer filled with nothing but laughs, food, and good people :) I'll keep updating while I'm in HK and I hope everyone does too so I can stalk efficiently. I'll be back shortly!

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