Sunday, February 07, 2010


Last night, a few Stallionaires and myself went to support Shefali in her Bollywood competition. None of us really knew what to expect but I'm pretty sure we were all amazed at the talent of all the dancers (especially Shefayfay's). The production was huge..I really had no idea Bollywood was such a popular thing. Teams from all over came out..USC, UCLA, Stanfurd(really sucked), UCI..etc but of course, Berkeley's Azaad won FIRST place! Anyways, we all had a lot fun and it just made me happy to see so many Stallionaires still going out to support each other :)


Mu-Ping said...

hey! where's the one of me you and unhappy justin!

jane said...

i'm glad that your blog has made a comeback. keep it coming!

p.s. you have a friend name shefayfay? a couple of days ago, i met a girl named shenaynay and i was pretty excited :) 2pac4lyf

Teresa and Grant said...

pretty pictures!